No comrade must weep for Jackson

I found myself blinking away tears and choking while watching the televised buria of South African Prime Minister, Jackson Mthembu on Saturday morning

My boys were having breakfast. I did not want them to see me shedding a tear for a man. Tigers dont cry.

Thoughts of Jackson crossed my mind today. And this poem came out. I was haunted by his soul and what it represents.

The Soul of the Nation

(For Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu)

You know our deepest fear

is not Covid or death

We must die some day

We have always been prepared to die

though we know not the hour or day

Our deppest fear is a life empty of purpose

It is to stand for nothing that frightens us

Being blown about

by fleeting winds of factions

Not to know who we are

or what we represent

We doubt ourselves, now

After all that Mandela, Biko &

Sobukwe have done

We have lost our bearing

are overwhelmed by blind fear

Thus the absurd questions

we ask of ourselves

‘Who the hell are you, to think

that you can challenge

the abuse of power?”

Actually, who will stand up

or power the Truth if we do not?

Do not look beyond the man in the mirror

to do what needs to be done.

History and destiny chose us

and have long clarified our roles

It does not help to

live up to other people’s expectations

or to please the boss

or seek approval of fake comrades

We now know there is nothing

better than being true to self

He who wants to be the greatest

must be a servant to all

We remain the foot soldiers

of the aborted revolution

the custodians of our people’s hopes

We were not born to be lackeys

or money bag boys

We are the manifestation of

the the true spirit

of the glorious movement

born of warrior kings

who were beheaded alive

for fighting for the ancestral land

It is not everyone who can do this

except those chosen by history

And when we die

we unconsciously know

what we have failed to do

It is unfinished business this

Death is a political thing

Our souls should not be glorified

through comfortable lies

but uncomfortable truths

Our flesh and bones shall be buried

in the ground

But our souls must liberate this country

It is not yet Uhuru

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